Saturday, September 19, 2009

Hi friends,

Welcome again here in your own old. As we discussed before that About EC.
Now today we are debating about the I.T field. No dought that there are lots of question regarding this field but i will try to satisfy your all the hunger to know about this field in this and next two post.

First of all take a look at the I.T.
I.T is a Information Technology.

There are two major partsof this field

1) Software
2) Hardware

Now take a look at Hardware. Hardware is a thing that all needed to install software.
in single words all parts that we can touch is known to be hardware. When you open your P.C you can see lot of circuits into it that's all are hardware of your computer. Like RAM, Mother Board etc.

Now to learn this things you have to know all the parts of your computer need.
If your are new or not experienced to see computer hardwares.
Then visit us...

Now takea look at Software. Software is a part of a computer which we can't touch. It has it's own language to code it.
There are different different types of programming languages by which the softwares are designed. Here below there are some example of programming language.

1) C
9)Cold fusion
10) Python

There are so many more languages too... Now i think you have heard about some of listed languages. The programming languages starts from C and C++ they are the basic languages.
To beginning with C and C++ keep visiting on my next post we will learn how to make C programmes.
Enjoy this bye...